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Writer's pictureroshin rajan

Sarah, the obedient wife* - part 1

*Lessons from the life of SARAH* 👩‍🦰


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Genesis 12: 1-5

_1) Now the Lord had said to Abram:_

_"Get out of your country,_

_From your family_

_And from your father's house,_

_To a land that I will show you._

_I will make you a great nation;_

_I will bless you..... "_



5) Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son, and the land of Canaan.

Can you believe that?! Abram was asked to go to a place that God said He will show him. Abram believed and trusted the Lord and he was prepared to go.

And what about Sarah? She didn't know the name of the place, she didn't know where it was.. but still, she was ready to go with Abram. That shows how obedient Sarah was.

That is what God expects from us.


It was disobedience that broke the relationship between God and man in the garden of Eden. It was the sin of disobedience which separated us from the Lord, both spiritually and physically. The reason for disobedience was their disbelief.

It is very important to obey. And that too, without questioning back.

- obey God (His commandments)

- obey our elders, parents

The obedience of Sarah required faith. She had faith in her husband and above that faith in the Lord who led them thus far. She believed Him.

*Take away:*

¶ *_Obey the Lord_* and follow His commandments

¶ *_Obey your parents/elders_*

(Don't grumble or talk back)

¶ _*Trust in the Lord.*_ Believe in Him.

If you are struggling to find where to keep your next step, ask God. He will show you the next step if you trust Him and believe in Him.

*Verse for the day:*

📖 *Ephesians 6:1* 📖

_Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”_


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